AI for audio and music
28 octubre 2024
MUFRAMEX is co-running a virtual panel discussion on Artificial intelligence for audio and music, on November 26th, 2024.
Artificial Intelligence today touches all domains, including artistic creation. In this field, it is increasingly prominent in activities related to music. Audio processing and musical composition are thus equipped with AI tools. This conference offers a cross-cutting view on this subject by addressing the field of audio and musical composition. The presentations will outline the context and then provide examples of ongoing research led by the presenters.
- Geoffroy Peeters, Télécom Paris – Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Since September 2018, he is a full professor in the Image-Data-Signal (IDS) department of Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris in the S2A team / ADASP group. Before that (from 2001 to 2018), he was Senior Researcher (in french : Directeur de recherche) at IRCAM leading research related to Music Information Retrieval. He received his PHD on signal processing for speech processing in 2001 and his Habilitation (HDR) on Music Information Retrieval in 2013 from University Paris VI.
- Ximena Contreras, Archways Studio
She is a composer and music producer who founded Archway Studios. The studio specializes in composing and producing music for film, television, and video games. Her most recent works include composing for the video game «Mayhem Masters,» developed by Digital Ballista studio in Sweden, available on the Steam platform and Nintendo Switch. She has created original music for short films, feature films, and documentaries in collaboration with various film production houses. Additionally, she has composed music for cultural television and currently writes music for Televisión Metropolitana (Channel 22) in Mexico. She has collaborated with independent producers and directors, and her original music has been featured in the Official Selection and received awards at various film festivals in Mexico and worldwide.
November 26th, 2024 • 6 PM (France) • 11 AM (CDMX) • online (registration) • free and public event, in English
Event in partnership with the INAOE (National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics in Mexico), Télécom Paris – Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI) – Université de Toulouse, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT) and Universidad de Guadalajara.